torsdag den 20. maj 2010

Avocado and rhubarb salad

Any talk of a marriage between rhubarb and avocado will arouse nose-wrinkling suspicion, but come to think of it, the combination is not that far-fetched. Avocado goes well with lemon, grapefruits and oranges, rhubarbs can be very sweet and very sour, and anything that strikes a good bittersweet fat-and-salty balance seems attractive in theory. In this case reality goes to match. The actual salad is surprisingly refreshing and a great accompaniment to red meat, strong cheese and hot and spicy salumi.

The Chinese have used rhubarb for medical purposes for thousands of years. In the Middle Ages Europeans started to import the plant from Asia making it more expensive than opium, saffron, cinnamon and other valuable spices, until Marco Polo found it growing under conditions that resembled Italy. By the way, the word rhubarb derives from Greek 'rha' meaning ‘plant’ and ‘the Volga River’ in combination with ‘barbarum’ ie. ‘foreign’ cf. the Free Dictionary.

2 mature avocados
5 rhubarb sticks
3 tbsp sugar
Lemon juice
olive oil
Shelled pumpkin seeds (pepita)

Clean the rhubarb and cut them in 2 pieces.
Mix rhubarb with sugar, place it on a sheet of baking paper, and bake in the oven (200°C/375°F) until tender (for about 30 minutes)
Top the avocado slices with cooled rhubarb compot
Roast the pumpkin seed on a dry frying pan and sprinkle them over the salad before serving.

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